Archive | December, 2011

Insanity Day 41: Toodle-Loo 2011

31 Dec

Well 2011, you have been good to me. For the most part. Aside from failed new job attempts, my neverending student loans, and car troubles here and there, things have been great. And since I’m well into Insanity, I don’t have to start yet another year with resolving to workout. I already do that. So I suppose I should make a promise to myself to keep this up. What’s your New Year’s resolution? If I’m going to add anything to my list, it will be to be more organized and take care of my laundry quicker. Both totally doable.

Last night I waitressed instead of bartending, and I forgot how much running around that invovles. I probably lapped the Curragh 2389712 times last night running drinks and food everywhere. But it ended up being a money making night overall. Lots of people came still in high holiday spirits. I’m hoping for twice as many people tonight, and twice the cheer. 😉 I’ll be behind the bar with martina, and we’ll be wearing sparkly outfits, so you should probably come visit us.

Today I’m going to try to do some last minute shopping for Amanda, and hopefully get a yummy lunch with Wesley. Then it’s on to bid farewell to this year. All while serving up the finest Irish ales around.

No matter how you’re celebrating tonight, I hope you have the ones you love surrounding you. And if you had a bad 2011, who cares? That’s what 2012 is for. Kick 2012’s ass, eh?

Insanity Day 40: Get Your Motor Running

30 Dec

I read a quote the other day about exercise and i think it’s good motivation to get YOUR motor running.

And it’s true. Some people can’t run or jump. Some people hav bad backs and can’t workout at all. So if there is a way to change your mindset and make it so you look forward to and enjoy exercising, life will be much easier. You just have to push yourself. If I skip a video, I’m mad at myslef and feel like I’m missing out on part of my day. Bonus: cardio gives you a nice big high when you’re done.

Speaking of motors running, I’m sitting in Starbucks waiting for an estimate on new struts for my Mazda 5. Possibly more than struts – I gave them a monetary limit. It’s about time someone invented a car that never need miantenance.

Update: I’m back at the apartment after walking home from the car shop (in the rain) and then arriving home and realizing I forgot my house keys at the shop. So that meant other walk there and back (in the rain.) Oh well. A bubble bath fixed that right up.

I was able to pick up a shift this evening, so I need to finish getting ready before I go back again to get my big hunk of junk from the auto place. I hope tonight is profitable and worth skipping dinner and a movie!

Have a fabulously fantastic Friday. Enjoy the end of 2011!

Insanity Day 39: Getting Crazier by the Day

30 Dec

Hey fellow exercisers and non-exercisers alike. Looks like another Friday is almost upon us! I started my day this morning with Max Recovery, which is definitely not my favorite video. There is basically no cardio, a ton of stretching and more pushups than I’d like to talk about. Long ago, I’d have relished this video anyday, but now that I’m in better shape, I’d rather have my ass kicked with running, jumps and suicides. 🙂 Fear not, it’s back to the normal sweat-inducing madness tomorrow. And Cardio Abs. Argh.

Work today was decently busy. We had a funeral party come in, and the rest of the bar was busy with a nice lunch crowd. I know that I have to work on NYE, but I’m trying to get excited about it. I’ll still get to wear a sparkly outfit, and I’ll be working with some of my favorite girls. And Wes will visit! What more could a girl ask for?

Tomorrow I most likely have the day off … pending a text. I offered to work, so we’ll see if Neilus takes me up on that. I could use the money, but I could also use some no work time for my sanity. Either way, Amanda and I will be hitting up Forever 21 in the early afternoon. I need some leggings or something to wear on Saturday.

As for now, I think I’ll drink a glass of wine and get some piano practice in. Then it’ll be a nice long sleep until tomorrow’s Insanity session, shopping and either working behind the bar or a nice movie.

Enjoy your last 53 hours of 2011.

Insanity Day 38: Me-Oh-My-Oh … Here Comes Plyo

29 Dec

Well howdy ho there neighbors! I just returned home from a delicious meal with Wesley at FlatTop Grill. It was fabulous, and as far as I can tell, reasonably healthy. I loaded up on mostly vegetables and I chose steak as my meat before realizing that I could have gotten a shrimp skewer. Drats! Also, they had super cheap wine there, so I indulged in that as well.

More importantly, onto Insanity. This morning was Max Interval Plyo, which basically means the same sort of workout as yesterday and the day before, only with more strength training. There are even a few moves I don’t feel totally comfortable doing, including Side Pushups. Those things are pretty tough. They blast on the obliques and tear on the triceps … but help make me stronger, so I push through.

Work today was again, quite busy. My regulars came in, along with some new faces. And they all contributed to my enjoyment of another Wednesday at the Curragh. Tomorrow at work there will be a large party coming in around 1:00 pm, so I’m hoping for more profits. Even though bartending isn’t necessarily my career of choice, it has been going good through the holidays. 🙂

Alright, I think it may be time to meet a few friends out for a few drinks. I hope your evening brings you warmth, whether it be from the company of a loved one, or a warm shot of whiskey. 😉

Insanity Day 37: It’s a Great Day to Start Working Out

28 Dec

Well thank goodness for this week at work. Business is booming, and I can only think to credit that to all the jerks with extra holiday time off. Extra bonus? People are in overall cheery moods still, and the holiday spirit is still in full swing.

But before work, and before my hot morning shower, I got my workout in. Today was Max Interval Circuit, and it kicked my ass today. There’s a Full Body Drill in this, and that is ROUGH. It’s plank position with eight run steps in place, then four push-up jacks, then four moving push-ups and then eight wide run steps in place. And that interval happens three times in a row. Even if you’re not good at math, you can calculate the pain that that is sure to bring. The next few videos this week are going to be hard, and if I’m not mistaken, Thursday is an hour-long video followed by Cardio Abs. Yikes.

Anyone seen any good movies lately? Think we will be deciding between:

  • Sherlock Holmes – Game of Shadows
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Let me know your opinion. I really liked the first Sherlock Holmes and I read The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. We will see both at some point. Just need to decide on this week’s winner.

How are all of you ringing in the New Year? I’ll unfortunately be working, so all I can hope for is a big crowd, good music and happy people to hang out with. Got no plans? Come have a Guinness with yours truly.

Speaking of the New Year … if any of you are planning on taking up Insanity, let me know! I can answer any questions and I give free motivation. Or, if you have suggestions for what I should do once I complete this damn thing, I’d love to know. Something new would be preferred.

Ta ta for now. Until we meet again …

Insanity Day 36: Workin’ on my Fitness

27 Dec

So, do tell, how was your Christmas? Mine was fantastic. Saturday we went to my mom’s house to celebrate her Christmas Eve birthday and to obviously celebrate Christmas. Everything went fantastically. Great dinner, amazing time opening presents, and my favorite part? Playin Bananagrams and Balderdash. Oh and winning at Balderdash. It is quite possibly the best board game on the planet.

Later in the night we made the annual trip down to Old Bridge for cheap beer, darts and merriment. Not sure how that tradition started, but I’m glad it did. Oh and I also somehow willed myself to do Insanity before all the drinking on Christmas Eve. And the Max Interval is still crazy painful.

Christmas day was equally awesome. Spent some quality time with Dad and Jodie, Wes and all my brothers. Played two NEW board games: “The Game of Things” and “Bezzer Wizzer.” Both highly recommended.

This morning’s workout kicked my butt. This session was Max Cardio Conditioning, which should otherwise be called “The Workout with No Breaks.” From what I can recall, there are only two timed rest sessions for water consumption. But it feels so amazing when it’s over. Today work was pretty busy, probably because of all the shoppers and lucky 9-5 folks who had the day off. Fingers crossed that the rest of the week follows suit.

Ok, it’s high time I did some Pinterest browsing. And some general relaxing. Perhaps some piano playing.

I hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas. And I hope your conclusion to 2011 is a happy one.

Insanity Day 34: Merry Christmas Eve Eve

23 Dec

So today’s video was a bit of a letdown. Also, a side note: I mislabled yesterday’s blog as Day 34, but that’s actually today. Since I couldn’t fit my workout in last night, it is considered a Rest Day. Whoopsy! Anyway, today was Max Recovery and it was just sort of boring. It works the core some with plank work and there is some heavy quad exercises, but overall, it’s about 47 minutes of a yawnfest. To be fair, it’s nice to have an easy video, because tomorrow and Sunday are going to go right back into kicking ass mode.

Today should be fantastic. I obviously got Insanity out of the way, and now I have to wrap presents and then go pick up Amanda. It’s Christmas Eve Eve and Amanda and I will be wearing something festive together. So I’m going to stop by her place to get dressed and then off we go. Bring on the fun and the holiday tips. 🙂

Let’s be honest. You have better things to do today than read my blog, and I have a lot to get done before I head to work. So, in the name of Christmastime, I’m signing off. Have the most fantastic Friday ever. Jingle some bells.

Insanity Day 34: Ho, Ho, Ho This Girl’s Gotta Go

23 Dec

Ok, I need to make this super short and I feel like it will be a disappointment, but I’m sorry. I worked until almost 3 a.m. last night and had to be in again this morning at 10:30 a.m. Therefore, I didn’t work out when I woke up, and now that I’m finally home (after staying late and then going to get some sushi,) I don’t have the motivation to workout. That means I will have to workout on Christmas, but that’s ok. There’s never anything to do later in the night anyway, right? 🙂

Also, I get to go hang out with Ms. Katie Gurney tonight, and Insanity doesn’t fit into that. Tomorrow it will be a workout in the morning, some light shopping and gift wrapping, and then back to the Curragh (my second home.)

Have a great Christmas Eve Eve Eve.

Insanity Day 33: Working on Some New Moves

21 Dec

Well, this workout program never ceases to surprise me. Today I was killed by Max Cardio something or other. And it seems that when they add the word “Max” to these videos, it means that when you’re finished, you’ll feel like four homeless men just got done beating you in an alley. There’s not even a fair amount of water breaks in this video. It’s just quite a few mini cardio marathons that really push your limits.

Although I was swearing at Sean T. during today’s workout, I have to give credit to Insanity for keeping things interesting. There were quite a few moves in this video that we haven’t done at all before, and I think that the variety keeps me interested and and on my toes. Side note: there have been a million push-ups this week, and to my credit, I’ve kept up pretty well. 😉

I have all of today off (until 5:00 p.m.) and with that time I plan on getting one more present for Dad, maybe looking for some new work clothes, and then wrapping damn gifts. I know that I’m 29, but when I wrap presents, it looks like a four-year-old did it. While blindfolded. Sorry in advance if you’re getting something from me.

Ok, I need to stop wasting time and get dressed. Enjoy every minute of your day. Because you should. You deserve it.

Insanity Day 32: Shit Just Got Real.

21 Dec

Well, I know that I said it yesterday, but Recovery Week is most definitly, without a doubt, OVER. The workouts they are bringing are INSANE. And yes, that has to be where the name comes from. Today’s video was 55 minutes long and I have never been more excited for 30-second water breaks. Holy hell. Today was interval training, which basically means you do three or four exercises, (about 45 seconds each,) you get a small break and then you do them again. You work every muscle in your body and you sweat like you’ve never sweat before.

Here’s the good things about this video:

  • The creators don’t bring on this hell until now … and the fact is, you’re ready for it. If you do the schedule the way its designed, then you’ll suprise yourself.
  • I’m stronger than I knew I was. There were bouts of 16 straight push-ups and I was able to keep up! I knew I was making progress, but I didn’t know I was that badass. But I am.
  • You can feel this stuff working. I don’t have a sixpack (yet) but with almost every move, you can feel your core tightening and you know that your muscles are getting stronger. Bring it on, Insanity.

After my workout I took a much needed shower, practiced some piano, and headed to the Curragh. Wasn’t too busy of a bartending day, but I’ll take any sort of money before the holidays. In fact, I had to do a little shopping after work and I obviously spent more than I anticipated. Argh.

Upon my arrival at home, it was a quick dinner, and then I tried to make some headway finishing up some gifts. So exhausting! (But I love it.)

Tomorrow I switched shifts with Amanda, which means I get to sleep in, finish up shopping during the afternoon and possibly make some major moola Wednesday evening. Hallelujah.

That’s enough for now, kiddos. I hope you are able to get all your gifts, and in turn, get everything you want. Muah!