Insanity Day 14: I’m Starting to Like This

29 Nov

I’m going to have to make this somewhat short because I’m pressed for time. After my shower, it took me nearly forever to find the shirt I was looking for. Don’t you hate when that happens?

Today’s Insanity session was Cardio Circuit, and it’s probably the video I’m worst at. I still give it my all, but by the time we get to Level 1 Drills, Ski Abs and In and Out Abs, my arms are killing me and I have a feeling my lower back isn’t quite cut out for the planking jumpy things. But I do my best, and I can still easily get in my floor sprints. And I think this is also the most sweat-inducing video. It feels really good to get it done, and it’s actually a great way to start the day. Breakfast tastes so delicious after a monster workout.

I really should go for now. I’ve got to go to work, and then possibly after that, get a sustain pedal for my piano. I should have purchased it by now, but I’ve been putting it off after paying for all that car work. I think my teacher might be mad if I don’t start practicing with it. Damn!

Tonight’s dinner should be something healthy … thinking some turkey meatballs and quinoa could be in order. I want the weekend to come so I can start creating Christmas presents and shopping! Which also means I need to make about a million dollars this week. Seems doable.

Carpe diem readers!

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